Saturday, December 01, 2007


October 7th found us at Del Lanes, Delmar, NY. As usual, they put out a fairly difficult lane condition for us. Dan Quesnell of Kingston, NY, rolled the high game and series of the event, 242 and 1218, respectively.

Medalists were:
Collegiate Division: Dan Quesnell, gold - Ali Dihmes (CT), silver - Drew Brow (NY), bronze
Girls Division: Liz Pratt (NY), Ashlee Rundle (NY), and Tricia Matthews (NY)
Junior Boys Division: Josh Regnier (CT), Stephen Rogers (NY), and Jeremy Janusz (NY)
Junior Girls Division: Rebecca Pratt (NY), Ashley Reid (CT), and Brianna Amidon (MA)
Major Boys Division: Alex Weglarz (NY), Chris Leahy (NY), and Shane Reid (CT)
Prep Division: Joshua McCart (NY), Dakota Fleury (VT), and Maeson Cooper (NY)

Junior Gold qualifiers were Brianna Amidon and Dan Quesnell. Josh McCart won the Litchco's Hot Shot of the Week for scoring more pins over his average than any other NeJST member during this tournament.

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